Thursday, November 26, 2009

the perfect witness and mr and mrs smith

I just finished watching the movie 'The perfect witness, the ungodly' on the netflix website...
It was released in 2007 or 2008 and the people at wikipedia haven't even heard about it so I am going to have to tell you about this great movie instead of just posting a link to the wikipedia page of the movie like I normally do.
Its a horror movie and there is some nudity, drug use, a rape scene, and of course violense.
This guy, who it turns out is a former drug addict, is amaeture video person who starts tracking a killer so he can do a movie on him and then just by dumb luck he actually catches the killer in the act and video tapes it.
The killer catches him and chases him down the street but doesn't catch the guy.
The guy that is trying to make the movie is named Mickey.
So Mickey then trys to blackmail the killer into doing interviews for his movie, and the killer goes along with it until he captures Mickey's mom.
From there Mickey gets into trouble...
I don't want to give away too much of the movie because I think it is actually worth watching so I give the movie a score of 90 out of 100.

I really liked the movie 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith'.
But I didn't like it as much as I liked The perfect witness so I give the dvd of Mr and Mrs Smith a score of 80 out 100.
Now that I think about maybe there is a second dvd for the Mr and Mrs Smith movie, in which case I would have to change the score.
The movie its self is really good for an action movie.
I have seen Brad Pitt's movies before so I know that he is a talented actor, but I think this is the first time I have seen Angelina Jolie in a movie...
I was really surprised by her acting skill.
But on the other hand this was an action movie.

01/05/2010...I first wrote this awhile ago for and for some reason I didn't publish it right away.
The movie 'The Perfect Witness' was a really good movie and I would recommend it if you like suspense/horror movies, but I would like to change my opinion about the Mr and Mrs Smith movie.
I don't remember how much extras were available on the Mr and Mrs Smith dvd but I do remember that there was at least two commentary tracks that went along with it and I think I only watched one of the commentary tracks, or maybe I watched all of them...I don't really remember.
But now that I have seen some other movies since then I would rank Mr and Mrs Smith lower than what I first ranked it, maybe 75 or 70 out of 100.
Keep in mind also that the movie 'The Perfect Witness' was just the movie without any extras because I watched it on the previously mentioned website.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

everything is illuminated

Last night I watched the movie 'Everything is Illuminated' on the netflix website.

I am really curious to see what kind of extra stuff they have on the dvd, so after I view the dvd you can look forward to my review of the dvd.

I really liked the movie so I give it a score of 90 out of 100.
Here is a link to a wikipedia entry regarding the movie:

Monday, November 16, 2009

walk the line

Last week I finished watching that Johnny Cash movie that came out awhile ago.
I liked the movie, it was entertaining but the movie seemed to centered on Johnny Cash's love affair with June Carter and his drug addiction.
I don't know for sure but I would like to think that there was more to the man in black than just that.
I mean, he was around during some very turbulent times and the movie pretty much ignores those times.
Anyways, I watched the movie all the way through without the commentary and then I also watched the movie with the commentary but I only got half way through because I became bored.
I liked the movie but there just wasn't enough interesting extras on the dvd so I give the dvd a score of 75 out of 100.

Monday, November 2, 2009


I just finished watching the movie Quarantine on the netflix website.
I don't think it was really the scariest movie I have ever seen but it was really entertaining.
I watched the movie because I didn't get a chance to watch any scary movies on saturday which was Halloween night.
I give the movie Quarantine a score of 80 out of 100 because I thought it was a really good movie.
Here is a wikipedia entry about the movie:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Blood Diamond

I just finished watching the movie 'Blood Diamond'. I thought it was a really good movie and it came on two different dvd's. The first dvd had the movie and a commentary on the movie and the second dvd had documentaries about what it took to make the movie. I think this is Leonardo di Caprio's most recently movie, and I think he was very convincing. Like I said before, I thought it was a really good movie, but part of me feels that there could of been more two the second dvd. I mean if your going to package it as a two dvd set then I kind of would of expected there to be a lot more, but I feel that both dvd's are worth the time so I give the two dvd set of the movie 'Blood Diamond' a score of 90 out of 100.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Shield

I have finished watching the second season of The Shield.
I have also finished watching the third season of Lost.
I also watched the movie Cold Prey.

The second season of The Shield I watched on dvds from netflix and I really liked it. I think the first season I rated as 100 out of 100, but I think this season was really good like the first season but I am only giving it a rating of 90. A rating of 90 is still really good...The reason why I think I rated the first season so high was because this was the first real edgey cop show that I have watched...I liked it because it was new.

I have been watching Lost on the netflix website for almost a month now and I really like it. I haven't seen the dvd's for Lost yet so I don't know what extra stuff is included but if I were to rate Lost up to the end of the third season then I would say that it is really really good and I give it a score of 100 out of 100. Lost could of been better on a cable channel because then they could of shown nudity and sex, but none the less Lost is a really great show to watch.

I also watched the movie Cold Prey on the the netflix website. It was a really good horror movie. I think its a Swedish movie and you can tell that its a foreign film, or at least foreign to me, because its dubbed in English. When the actors talk you hear english but it looks like the actors weren't talking in english. The dubbing though is done really well so that part of it doesn't hurt the movie at all. Anyways, I give Cold Prey a score of 90 out of 100.
I'm sorry its actually a Norwegian movie.
The Norwegian title of the movie is Fritt Vilt which literally means Open Season.
Below I posted a link to website with more information about the movie.
There's also Cold Prey 2 which I haven't seen because it hasn't been released internationally, but I looked it up in wikipedia.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dead Girl

I just finished watching the movie Dead Girl, that I rented from netflix.
I guess you can kind of say that it is a zombie movie and I rate it 75 out of 100.
If you're into the zombie/horror movie thing then I would recommend that you watch this movie, but if your not into that sort of stuff then this movie really isn't for you.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

the shield

I just finished watching the first dvd of the second season of 'The Shield' and I was disappointed because it didn't include commentaries on each of the four or five episodes that were on the dvd.
Only the first episode had a commentary on it, but it did include audio for each episode in like three or four different languages so I am half tempted to try and teach myself Portuguese by watching the dvd in Portuguese.
No, I was only trying to be funny.
I'm really not that ambitious.
I liked the first part of the second season of 'The Shield', but like I said before I like to see more sex and nudity when its a cable television show that I'm watching.
I also starting watching the first season of the show 'Lost' on the netflix website and I was very surprised by how good it was.
It was so good in fact I'm going to go put 'Lost' in my queue now.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Little Miss Sunshine

Last night I finished watching the movie 'Little Miss Sunshine'.
I liked it so I give the dvd of 'Little Miss Sunshine' a score of 80 out of 100.
Last week when I realized that this was the next movie that I would recieve in the mail I began to dred getting the mail because I automatically thought that this was a movie that I wasn't going to like.
When I first signed up for this dvd service I first selected the movies that were voted to be the top one hundred movies and this movie was on that list, otherwise I probably would of never of rented this movie.
But I am really glad that I did rent this movie because like I already stated I really liked this movie.
The dvd was actually two sided on one side was the widescreen version and on the other was the big screen version.
I assummed that each version was the same movie but just in different formats so I didn't bother to watch both versions on my laptop.
The dvd also had to two commentary tracks for the movie, one of them featured the two directors or producers, I forget what title they gave themselves but they were husband and wife as well.
The other commentary track featured the two directors and the writer of the script.
And the dvd also included featured some music video by one of the bands that had their music in the movie and it also included two or three alternate endings, but no real interviews with the stars of the movie.
And of course the other stuff that you would consider standard for dvd were also included, you know different languages, scene selections, and the trailers to other movies.
If the dvd would included interviews with the cast of the movie, a making documentary sort of thing, and more deleted scenes then the dvd would of gotten a higher score in my book.
But either way I would suggest that you watch this movie because if I were rating just the movie instead of the movie and the other stuff on the dvd then I would say that this movie is one of my new favorite movies.
I think this link will be helpful:

Thursday, August 27, 2009

book reviews

Since my last book review I have actually read several books.
I mentioned the book called Pygmy and the book about the painter and sculptor Michaelangelo already but I didn't really give you a score.
The book Pygmy was unique.
The story was about these middle school age Chinese students that come over to live in suburban America.
But the Chinese students are actually Terrorists, but of course the American families don't know that.
And to make the story seem even more authentic its written from the point of view of the main character who recieves the nickname Pygmy, with his broken English and all of his misunderstandings of the American culture.
I give the book Pygmy the score of 90 out of 100.
The book about Michealangelo was really interesting as well, but I would only read it if you were interested in the time period because I felt at times it was long winded and it goes into a lot of the technical aspects of the art.
I give this book a score of 70 out of 100.
I also read the first two books that the tv series True Blood is based on.
I think the author's name is Charlaine Harris and the name of the first book is 'Dead until Dark', and the second book is "Living Dead in Dallas'.
I really liked both of the books and I found that after I kind of got into them it was difficult to stop reading them.
I give both of those books a score of 93 out of 100.

the shield, first season.

The dvd's for the first season of The Shield were pretty good as a whole.
I think I already mentioned the stuff that I expected to see in the dvd's of a movie or tv show and The Shield pretty much had them all.
I give the first season of The Shield a score of 100.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Last week I finished the book 'Pygmy' by Chuck what's-his name, he wrote the book 'Fight Club'.
I liked it but because of the way it was written I think it was difficult to read.
I also finished reading the book about Michangelo Bounoroti earlier this week.
I am pretty sure I already mentioned both of these books on this blog so I'm not going to bore you with the details.
The website address that I posted below can give you some details about the book Pygmy.
The website that this web address will direct you to is where you'll find the details, the web address its self won't actually give you any details.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Shield

I finished watching the first dvd to the first season of the telivision show The Shield and I have to say that I liked it.
It wasn't as graphic and violent as I thought it would be but it still wasn't that bad.
I'll give my final opinion within the next couple of weeks or so.
Here's a website to reference regarding the show:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

True Blood, first season.

I just finished watching the dvd's for the first season of True Blood, and I liked it.
I watch a lot of movies and tv shows on the netflix website which doesn't include any extras that I would like to see come with the dvd's.
I pretty much expect to see several things on the dvd's.
One of those things would be a 'making of video' which wasn't included in the dvd's of this tv show.
Also I would like to see interviews with the actors and/or directors of the movie/tv show, which wasn't included in the dvd's of this show.
And the last two things that I would like to see included on the dvd would be audio commentaries and footage or scenes that were edited out of the final cut.
There were audio commentaries included on each dvd of this show but there wasn't an audio commentary on each episode of the show.
But there wasn't any scenes that were edited out of the final cut of the episodes included in the dvd's.
But there were some interesting little bonus features that were included on the last dvd of this season that gave me some insight into the world of True Blood.
If I were rating these dvd's just on the episodes themselves then I would give a rating of 100, which is the highest rating.
But since I'm rating the dvd's as a whole then I give the first season of True Blood a rating of 95, which still is really good but I would of liked to see some more extras.
This is a good website to give you more information about the True Blood.

Monday, July 6, 2009

the great masters of the italian renaissance

I rented the dvd that I mentioned above from and I just spent the afternoon watching it.
I think my time could of been spent in a more entertaining way, but if your studying the renaissance and or painting then maybe you might want to take a look at this.
I am not really looking forward to watching the rest of these dvd's, but once they arrive I will watch them none-the-less.
I shouldn't really imply that this dvd was worthless or that I didn't learn anything or that I wasn't at least a little bit inspired, but I am implying that this dvd was boring.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

To all of my american readers I say, Happy fourth of July!
And to everyone else, happy saturday.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New rating system.

From now on the rating system will be as follows:
The highest score will be 100.
The lowest score will be 0 (zero).
This way I can differentiate the movies and books I really really really like from the ones I really like.

For example, I really really really like the tv show Californication so I give it a score of 100.
And, I liked the dvd that I just reviewed, Pollock, so I give it a score of 90.
And I give the dvd's of the first season of Torchwood a score of 60, although I would of given it a lower score if it weren't for a couple of the episodes that I really liked.


I just finished watching the movie 'Pollock'.
I watched on dvd from the website that I have already mentioned.
The movie Pollock is about the American Painter Jackson Pollock who became famous during the early 1950's.
It was a really good movie and dvd.
If you are an artist then I would suggest watching it for sure.
I give the dvd five stars out of five stars.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Californication and Torchwood

Californication is my new favorite tv show, but as of right now I am only able to watch it on dvd or on the netflix website because I don't have cable.
I finished watching the first season of Californication on the netflix website and I really really liked it.
I give the first season of Californication, as seen on the netflix website, six out of five stars.
Earlier in the week I received the final dvd of the first season of the British tv show Torchwood.
I of course receive dvd's in the mail from netflix as I have stated many times in the past.
The last dvd of the first season of Torchwood was actually really disappointing because it was just all of the extras that were already included on the other dvd's.
Overall, I think Torchwood was okay.
Although some of the episodes were really good, but they weren't all good enough.
I give the first season of Torchwood on dvd three and a half stars out of five stars.
I am really looking forward to the next season of Californication...where as with Torchwood I could take it or leave it.

I am considering changing my grading scale from out of five to a one hundred point scale...

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I just watched the first two episodes of the first season of the tv show californication and I really liked it.
I watched them on the netflix website.
For now I give californication five stars out of five stars.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Echo Trip

Echo Trip is another one of the tv shows I've started watching online through my thing, and I like it so far.
I think I have only watched the first three episodes but I thought they were really good so I give Echo Trip four stars out of five stars.
I thought this might help explain what this series is about.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


On Friday or Saturday I received the first dvd of Torchwood in the mail from
It only had the first two episoides of the first season on it...It also had some extras on it as well.
Torchwood is an english tv show about a group of people who investigate alians, the kind of alians from other planets not the kind from a different country.
The show, or at least the second episode contains sex but there wasn't any nudity so the little kids probably shouldn't watch this.
I finished watching the dvd this morning and I liked it.
I give it four stars out of five stars.
If your in the sci-fi sort of stuff then you'll probably find this british tv show interesting.
I think this wikipedia entry would helpful in explaining what torchwood is.

Oh, and happy memmorial day!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Donnie Darko

I just finished watching the movie Donnie Darko. I give the dvd four stars out of five stars. The movie was really interesting but I didn't really care for the extra features the dvd had. I had trouble viewing all of the deleted scenes and the rest of the extra features included on the dvd were just a waste of time. Anyways, like I said I thought the movie was really interesting and entertaining.
The following link explains the details of the movie.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I just finished reading the novel 'Choke' by Chuck Palahniuk, he's the guy that wrote the book fight club.
I liked the book so I give it five out of five stars.

This is an interesting website that looks like it was set up by the book publisher for this book.

This website gives some background and a short summary of the book.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

the departed

On Monday I watched the movie 'the departed'.
I really liked it.
It was about the state police in the boston area working on a case to take down the Irish mob in boston.
The police get Leonardo di Caprio's character to infiltrate the Irish mob but at the same time the Irish mob have Matt Daemon's character infiltrating the police.
Also, near the end of the movie we find out that the police had one more person on the inside with the mob and also the mob had another police officer working for them.
Most of the main characters including di Caprio and Daemon end up waking up dead near the end of the movie.
I would suggest that you rent it.
I rented it from netflix and on tomorrow or friday I should receive the second dvd of the movie so I will rate this movie later on this week.
I'm assuming that the second dvd has a bunch of extras and maybe even a second version of the movie so I am looking forward to seeing the second dvd.
This is a link that is related to the movie.
The last name of the irish mob boss is Costello which to me would indicate that he is probably Italian, but in this movie there is bad blood between the Italians and the Irish, and the Irish mob boss (who is played by Jack Nicholson) has no trouble showing his dislike for the Italians.
I just finished watching the second dvd of the movie 'the departed' and I am giving the set four and a half stars out of five.
The second dvd basically had almost two hours of extras in it but a majority of those two hours was actually a film or movie with the director, Martin Scorcese, talking about and showing clips of all of his movies up to that point.
The rest of the extras involved stuff related to the movie and they were entertaining, I liked them.
But the film with scorcese talking about his previous films, it was called scorceses on scorcese, wasn't really related to the movie the departed...I would of rather of seen some enterviews with the cast about their experience on the movie.
Don't get me wrong, the part scorcese on scorcese was entertaining but I did feel that it was too long and at times boring (and I think I also found his personality to be at least a little annoying), but it just didn't belong on this dvd and I think I've viewed it before when it was attached to another movie or something and I think it was released a couple of years ago as a stand alone dvd.
So I would of given the dvd's of the movie 'the departed' a full five stars but the extra 'scorcese on scorcese' was too long and it didn't belong on this dvd because it doesn't fit with the movie, and I think it was released a couple of years ago as a stand alone dvd.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Last week I rented the movie Crowley from netflix.
The movie is about this cult leader from the 1920's that dies and then is brought back some time later by some sort of computer program.
I rented the movie because the preview of it that I saw indicated that there was a lot of sex in it.
It actually turned out to be not that bad of a story as well.
The extras that were included on the dvd weren't that bad either so I give the dvd a four out of five stars.
This link is about the man this movie was based on:
After I watched the movie I was surprised to discover that Aleister Crowley actually existed.
This link is about the movie:
In the UK the movie was released as 'chemical wedding'.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Rise: Blood Hunter

I watched the movie 'Rise: Blood hunter' last night on
I liked it, but I don't think it was the most amazing movie I have ever watched.
I give the movie three and a half stars out of five stars.
It was a vampire movie and it had some nudity in it so usually that means its worth watching.
This is a link to a good summary of the movie:

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I just watched the dvd 'Crash' that I rented from
I give the dvd, as a whole, three and a half stars out of five stars.
I liked the movie enough to recommend that you watch it if you haven't already but I did not like it enough to want to watch it again or to go out and buy the dvd.
The dvd included a behind the scenes video that was kind of interesting, but it wasn't enough to give a dvd a higher rating.
If you want a summary of the movie I'm going to include some links below.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dead Like Me: Life after death.

3-17-09 Earlier today I watched the movie of the tv show called 'Dead Like Me'.
The movie of the tv show is called 'Dead Like Me: Life after death.'
The show and the movie are about a group of people that become grim reapers.
After these people die they're chosen to do god's dirty work by collecting the souls of the person that is about to die and then after the person dies the grim reaper shows the soul the way to the light.
The movie itself is like an extended version of the tv show and I think it also picked up where the last tv show left off but it also ended in a way to where the tv show its self could eventually pick back up.
I give the movie five stars out of five.
I really recommend that you watch the television show episodes of this movie before you watch the movie.
***3-18-09 I think I really jumped the gun by giving this movie a five out of five because when I realized that they made another episode of my favorite show, you know 'dead like me', I got really excited.
So I think I let my emotions get in the way of giving this movie an honest rating.
I rewatched the last episode of the tv show and I think I'm going to have re-evaluate my previous rating of the movie.
I now give the movie three and a half stars out of five stars.
I would strongly suggest that you watch the television episodes instead of the movie.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I just finished watching the movie, 'YPF' which I rented from
The title is short for young people fucking and the movie is about what you would think it is.
Its the story of four different couples having sex over one night, but its a comedy, not a porn movie.
I really liked the movie, I was entertained by it and I thought it was funny.
The acting was good and believable and the plot was believable.
But I'm a little disappointed with the dvd as whole, there was only one extra which was the trailer for the movie.
If there was more to the dvd then i would of rated it higher.
I give the dvd YPF four out of five stars.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Love in the time of Cholera.

This movie was based on the novel by the same name by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
I think the book won a nobel prize for best novel or something when it was first published.
I believe the book was published in 1985 but I'm not exactly sure about that.
But the movie is only about a year or two old.
The story of the movie is set in Columbia but its an english speaking film.
The story is about a young man who falls in love in with a young women.
When the father of the young women finds out he separates the two by moving her two small village deep in the forest.
The father eventually moves them back into the city and the daughter falls in love and marries a rich doctor.
The young man, Florentino, pleads his ever lasting love for her, Fermina, and eventually they age and then they become lovers.
In the mean time Florentino seduces a whole bunch of women and keeps a diary of all of his sexual encounters.
The sex its self is most certainly not what makes this movie great, its everything else.
Don't get me wrong, there were some moments where I did get a chubby but that isn't why I liked the movie.
The movie as a whole was really good so I give the dvd of 'Love in the time of cholera' four out of five stars.
I really liked the movie, but I guess I could be wrong because the movie didn't do so well at the box office and it didn't receive great reviews either.
Maybe I should look into reading the book.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


On Thursday I finished watching the first four or five seasons of the British tv show called Spooks.
The tv show is also called Mi-5.
Mi-5 is a top secret British agency of spies.
The Mi-5 are based in London with the characters occasionally going outside of London to fight terrorism.
The show is really well done and its very interesting to watch.
I give the show six out of five stars, yeah its that good.
Unfortunately they only have the first four or five seasons of the show available to watch on the netflix website but they have the two or three other seasons available to rent from them.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Over the weekend I watched the movie 'Beowulf: Director's Cut', and I didn't really like it.
I give the dvd three stars out of five stars.
The movie and the extras were entertaining enough for me to actually sit there and watch all the way through but afterwards I didn't feel inspired by it.
I don't know for sure but I think there have been plays and other movies about the poem Beowulf but I hope they were better than this one.
If your not sure what the movie is about then you would be better off reading a translation of the poem.
I would imagine that you could find a free copy of it somewhere online since you can find almost anything else online.
The movie is all animated!
Why did they do that it all in animation?
Granted, its all animated to look very real but you can stil tell its animated.
Its animated but its not a children's movie for sure.
Also, the extras weren't that bad but Angelina Jolie does not appear in any of the extras of the film.
Why is that?
Anthony Hopkins and Forrest Gump appear in the extras but Angelina Jolie is too famous apparently.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I just finished watching the movie Serenity on the netflix website.
I really liked it.
I give Serenity, the version that I watched on the netflix website, four stars out of five stars.
I wish I could watch on the netflix website the extras that I am assuming that are included with the dvd of this movie.
If the dvd as a whole are good like the movie is then I would probably rate the dvd a little higher.
This movie takes place in the future, like way, way in the future.
At the beginning of the movie planet earth becomes over populated so the humans find another galaxy with good planets and they colonize them.
Serenity is the name of the space ship that the main characters ride around in and basically their pirates, but without the wooden legs and sails on the ship.
The doctor of the ship has a sister that has psychic abilities and she is being held by the government.
Her name is River and the government is training her to become some sort of psychic weapon.
Her brother takes her back from the government and the people on Serenity take them in and most of the movie is spent both avoiding the government and discovering River's secret that she took from one of the government officers.
I know its a poor summary of the movie but I really liked the movie and I think it would be worth your time watching it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Eastern Promises

I just finished watching the movie 'Eastern Promises'.
I really liked the movie and the bonus features weren't that bad either.
There were only two short "movies" in the bonus feature part that gave a little background on the movie and some background on the Russian mob as well.
They were both interesting and they weren't overbearing with amount of information they provided, but at the same time I wished there was more to the bonus feature part of this movie.
I give 'Eastern Promises' four and a half stars out of five stars.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I am legend bonus dvd.

Last night I watched the bonus dvd to the movie, 'I am Legend'.
On the bonus dvd there was an alternate version of the movie that appeared in the theaters and there was an option for extras that you had to access via the internet.
When I clicked my mouse on the extras the screen told me to punch in some sort of code in order to download a digital copy of the dvd.
I wasn't able to get the digital copy because I rented the movie from netflix so I don't know if the digital copy was just simply a copy of the alternate version of 'I am Legend' or if it also included the typical sort of extras (interviews with the actors, out takes, making of video...) that I have come to expect from bonus dvds.
I didn't actually watch the entire alternate version of the movie though.
The first thing I did was select the scene selections to see if it showed any different scenes from the movie and the only part that appeared to be different was the very last part.
So then I started the movie and I watched the first couple of minutes of the movie and then I decided that I was just going to skip to the part where Will Smith's character traps the animal/human and takes it to his lab so he can start the human trials and examine the animal/human and then I skipped right to the end so that I could watched the part that I thought was different.
I don't want to give it all away so I won't actually tell you what happened in the alternate version of the movie.
After I sent the movie back I am begining to think that I probably should of watched the entire alternate version.
From what I watched of the movie, I give the alternate version of the 'I am Legend' movie five out of five stars.
I strongly recommend you watch both versions of the movie.
The dvd set of 'I am Legend' though doesn't rate as high because the bonuse features that I was able to access on the first dvd weren't really all that great, but the alternate version of the movie would be considered a bonus feature and I really liked the alternate version so I give the dvd set as a whole four stars out of five stars.
But I feel they could of done better with the other bonus features.
Will Smith has come a long way since the fresh prince of belaire.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I am Legend.

I just finished watching this movie and I really liked it.
There is two dvd's with this movie, the first one that has the actually movie on it also had these short comic book like movies on it.
The comic book movies were not really that great.
But like I said, I really liked the movie and I would recommend renting it if you have not already.
The first dvd of the movie, 'I am Legend' gets five out of five stars from me.
My only complaint are the short comic book movies that were included on this dvd.
I am kind of looking forward to watching the bonus dvd, but I hope it is better than the comic book movies that were included on this dvd.
I am pretty sure that this was a remake of an older movie...
I remember reading a review of this movie and the review was comparing this movie to the older version starring Charles Heston, I think that was his name, with Heston driving his mustang or corvette on the freeway and there was a plane flying over head which would indicate that he wasn't the only person left alive which was contradictory to the film at that point.
I think something like happened in the Charles Heston movie where he plays Moses.
Anyways, the movie is based the old version of the movie and the book.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Indiana Jones Triology, bonus dvd

Last night I finished watching the bonus dvd that went along with the first three Indiana Jones movies.
I rate the bonus dvd a three stars out of five stars.
Part of the reason why I started renting from netflix is to educate my self in story telling by watching movies and I feel that this dvd did not further my education.
But the dvd was entertaining although it was one of the more boring dvds that I have watched recently.
I am not really a big fan of the Indiana Jones movies to begin with but I would rather watch one of those movies again instead of watching the bonus dvd again because those movies actually tell a story.
As a writer in training I learned from the Indiana Jones movies that a good movie doesn't have to be based on a book.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull

I just finished watching the fourth Indiana Jones dvd that I rented from netflix.
I am giving the dvd a four out of five stars.
It was a good movie although I don't think the reviews that I read about the movie were rating the movie as high as I just did.
Like I said before, I'm not really into the action and adventure sort of movies but this dvd was good.
I think it was the best of the Indiana Jones movies but I wouldn't rent the movie again.
If you liked the past Indiana Jones movies then you will probably like this one, but if you didn't like the past Indiana Jones movies or you don't really like the action and adventure sort of movies then you probably won't care for this one.
If I had not seen the previously Indiana Jones movies or if I would rated those movies lower then I probably would of rated this Indiana Jones movie at a three and a half stars out of five instead of four stars because I think I stated previously that a dvd rated as three and half stars would of been good enough to rent but not good enough to purchase.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

indiana jones and the last crusade

I just finished watching the third Indiana Jones movie.
As with most of the movies that I have reviewed on here I rented it from netflix.
The dvd of Indiana Jones and the last crusade as a whole wasn't really that bad.
It was entertaining and the dvd contained some behind the scenes sort of stuff which were not really that bad.
But, I am still only giving the dvd a three and one half stars out of five.
Like I said, the movie was entertaining but I wouldn't really say that I liked the movie because I'm just not really crazy about the action adventure sort of movies.
There was a forth Indiana Jones movie that came out some time last year I think but I didn't go to the movie theaters to watch it because I didn't think it would be worth it because I'm not crazy about this genre but the dvd wasn't that bad.
On the other hand, I'm not going to rent this movie again.
I rented the Indiana Jones movies because since these were big movies I thought that seeing them would help my creative process as a writer, I have yet to determine if I have actually benefited from watching these movies.
Like I said, 3 and 1/2 stars out of five.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

indiana jones and the temple of doom.

I just finished watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and I didn't really care for it.
The dvd had no extras like the last one did and I didn't think the movie was really all that interesting so I give the dvd of the second Indiana Jones movie a two out of five stars.
The dvd mention that the dvd would of given me access to a exclusive website about the movie but I did not go to the website because that would of envolved reloading the dvd and probably downloading some program from the dvd which I didn't want to deal with.
Maybe the website would of contained extras like a 'making of short movie' that I would of enjoyed watching, but like I said that would of envolved doing something that I did not really want to do, which was to download or upload something from the dvd.
So I didn't go to the website.
If I had to choose between watching this movie again or going to the gym and working out then I would of choosen to go the gym.
In other words, I wouldn't recommend this movie.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark.

On Saturday I watched the dvd of the first Indiana jones, I put the full title of the movie above.
I give the dvd three and one half stars.
The movie its self wasn't really that bad, it was entertaining but that's about it.
The acting and the writing was good so I can't really say that the movie sucked or that it wasn't worth my time.
It just wasn't a really great movie because I didn't find the subject that interesting.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Iron Man

Earlier in the week I watched the movie Iron Man.
I liked it.
I give it a four out of five stars.
I saw this movie in the movie theaters when it first came out with my friend Chris.
I liked it then and I still like it on dvd.
I wouldn't run out and purchase the dvd because there isn't much more on the dvd than there was on the big screen.
My only complaint about it would be that the dvd didn't come with a whole bunch of extras, none of the behind the scenes sort of stuff or how they made the movie sort of thing.
Other than that, my only other complaint about the dvd was that there weren't any boobies.
So in summary, I give it a four out of five stars because there was not a lot of extras.