Friday, December 26, 2008

Hereos: third season.

I think I have already mentioned this before but I have recently watched a lot on
The tv series that I just finished up watching was the third season of Hereos.
Some of the reviews that I have read have not been very kind to Hereos which I thought was a little misleading.
I was very satisfied with the third season of Hereos and I am looking forward to the upcoming season.
I am looking forward to renting the third season of Hereos on dvd from netflix because I want to see what kind of extras they are going to include.
A year or two ago I watched the first and second season of Hereos on netflix as well and I do recall really likeing those as well.
Eventually I will rent the entire seasons of Hereos from netflix and I will post my reviews of those as well.
I give the third season of Hereos, as viewed on, a four out of five stars.

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